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Hernia Treatment Options

At the Comprehensive Hernia Center, every patient is evaluated individually, and treatment plans are specifically designed to address your needs and situation. We offer the following methods for hernia repair.

Laparoscopic Procedures for Hernia Repair

Laparoscopic, or minimally invasive, procedures use multiple small incisions no more than 1 centimeter in length to access the hernia. The abdomen is then inflated with carbon dioxide to provide room for the surgeon to work, and the hernia is repaired with a small, flexible device called a laparoscope. Mesh is sometimes required to secure and reinforce the hernia. This procedure requires a hernia specialist comfortable with minimally invasive techniques and typically produces less scarring and postoperative pain, reduced risk of wound infection, shorter postoperative hospital stay length and a faster return to normal activities. With a skilled surgeon, the risks of complications or recurrence are approximately the same as an open procedure. However, not all patients will be candidates for minimally invasive procedures, including patients with large hernias or adhesions from prior abdominal surgery.

Open Approach for Hernia Repair

Open procedures use a single incision to open the abdomen and access the hernia, after which the hernia is repaired using mesh. Open procedures are ideally suited for patients with large or multiple hernias. Patients who have had prior abdominal surgery are also good candidates for open procedures, as scar tissue in the abdomen forms adhesions that can make minimally invasive operations difficult or even dangerous.

Reconstructive Surgery for Hernia Repair

Abdominal wall reconstruction repairs defects in the abdominal walls while reducing abdominal tension and providing structural support. This may require a component separation to be performed so that the muscle edges of the hernia gap can be brought back together again.

Mesh for Hernia Repair

Mesh is often used to help strengthen the hernia repair and reduce the risk of recurrence. The surgeons of the Comprehensive Hernia Center use specialized mesh that is designed to improve the outcomes of the hernia repair. As each case is different, your surgery may not require the use of mesh. If you have questions about mesh and its use, please ask your surgeon.

Complex Hernia Repair Animation

This animation illustrates this complex hernia repair and how mesh is used to reinforce the abdominal area.

Repairing a Hernia with Surgery

This animated video explains what a hernia is, why it needs to be repaired and how a repair is done.

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