How To Get A Hickey On Your Neck
A healthy, pain-free neck is something most of us take for granted—until we wake up with a "kink" or have some sort of injury that causes us neck pain. (In that case, try this 60-second fix for a stiff neck.) And here's the real bummer: Neck pain is rising dramatically thanks to our desk jobs and technology-focused ways, says Michael Jonesco, DO, a sports medicine physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. "Staring at a screen forces your shoulders to protract and flex, creating a slumped position," he says. "This forces the neck into hyperextension and will tighten the chest over time." To prevent neck pain from happening in the first place or to ease the tension if you're feeling pain, try these expert-approved moves. (Looking for more ways to live a happy, healthy life? Order Prevention—and get a FREE Yoga DVD when you subscribe today.)
The "Chicken Wing"

Kasandra Brabaw
Stand with feet hip-distance apart and arms at sides. Reach both hands behind back and hold onto left wrist with right hand. Then, use right hand to gently pull left arm to right lower back. To increase stretch in neck, slowly lower right ear toward shoulder. Stay here 30 seconds, then switch sides. "This stretch offers a deep stretch in the sides of your neck," says Jonesco. (Here are the best stretches if you're stuck sitting all day.)
Corner Stretch

Kasandra Brabaw
Stand roughly 2 feet from corner of a room, facing in, feet together. Place forearms on walls of either side of corner, palms to wall and elbows at about shoulder height. Lean in gently until you feel a stretch. Stay here 30 seconds, and repeat 2 to 3 times. "This is a great stretch for your chest and upper back," says Jonesco, "but should be modified or skipped entirely if you have a history of shoulder dislocations or rotator cuff problems."
Levator Scapula Stretch

Kasandra Brabaw
Start by resting right elbow against a wall, slightly above shoulder level. Palm should be contacting wall above head; this position helps lengthen levator scapula muscle, says Jonesco. Next, turn head to opposite side (left, in this case), turning chin downward toward left shoulder. Hold this position 30 seconds, and repeat 2 to 3 times daily. "The levator scapula is one of the more troublesome causes of neck pain and can be very stubborn to heal," says Jonesco. "The best way to avoid pain in this area in the first place is to keep the muscle toned—and this stretch does that."
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Standing Neck Stretch

Tricia Brouk
Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and with slight bend in knees, hold light weight (either a small dumbbell, or even a can of soup) in right hand and tilt head to left, bringing left ear toward left shoulder. To increase stretch in front of neck, bring chin slightly toward floor. Hold here 10 to 20 seconds, then repeat on opposite side. This one simple move stretches the major muscles that contribute to neck tension, says Tricia Brouk, a personal trainer in New York City.
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Passive Neck Stretch

Tricia Brouk
Lie down and place rolled-up bath or beach towel under neck where it naturally curves. Then, tip chin back and allow weight of head to stretch front of neck. "This is a great counter-stretch if you work on a computer or tend to hunch over a smart phone for much of the day," says Brouk. The scalines—those little muscles that run along either side of your neck that tense up when you force a smile—are often forgotten about, says Brouk. This stretch helps them relax.
Nose Circles
Sit or stand with good posture, keeping neck long, shoulders relaxed, and chin in neutral position (not lifted or lowered). Drop chin toward chest, then gently turn left ear toward left shoulder. Focus gaze on tip of your nose, draw 10 tiny circles with nose in one direction, and then do 10 in opposite direction. "Don't make big circles with your nose lifting up toward the ceiling," says Sandy Pradas, a yoga teacher in Alexandria, VA. "Keep movements small, and go slowly." When you're finished, bring head back to center and repeat on right side.
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Neck Turns

Andrew Keaveney
Take deep breath in and on the exhale, gently turn head to look over right shoulder. On next inhale, turn head back to center. On the exhale, turn head to look over left shoulder. On next inhale, turn head back to center. This is 1 round; continue 3 to 4 rounds. "This exercise helps to restore your natural range of motion in the neck, which helps maintain a free and easy feeling in this area," says Andrew Keaveney, a yoga teacher at The Art of Living Retreat Center in Boone, NC.
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How To Get A Hickey On Your Neck
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